
Mob for cleaning and polishing acrylic and metal frame

Our company Mopatex offers an effective solution for efficiently cleaning and polishing acrylic and metal frames. Metal frame acrylic is widely used in a variety of applications, It requires keeping it clean and shiny to maintain its aesthetic appearance. Here are some of the advantages our products offer

Made in Spain

Made by Mopatex (Cisne)

Mob for cleaning and polishing acrylic and metal frame

Our company Mopatex offers an effective solution for efficiently cleaning and polishing acrylic and metal frames. Metal frame acrylic is widely used in a variety of applications, It requires keeping it clean and shiny to maintain its aesthetic appearance. Here are some of the advantages our products offer

Made in Spain

Made by Mopatex (Cisne)


وصف المنتج

Mob for cleaning and polishing acrylic with a metal frame, one of the products of the Spanish company Mopatix

Available specifications and sizes:

Cleaning and polishing mops for acrylic and metal frames are available in a variety of sizes to suit your needs:

  • 60 cm
  • 80 cm
  • 100 cm
  • 110 cm
  • 130 cm
  • 160 cm

Mob features: cleaning and polishing acrylic

  1. Cleaning and polishing effectiveness: Mob features superior cleaning techniques and high-quality polishing materials to achieve stunning results on acrylic and metal frames.
  2. Safe to use: Mop is designed to be safe for use on sensitive surfaces such as acrylic, Without causing scratches or damage.
  3. High durability: It features a durable design that ensures resistance to wear and tear, Which enhances the life of the product and maintains its efficiency in the long term.

Where to find the product:

You can find more different cleaning mops and cleaning tools in the floor cleaning tools section on our website via the following link:Floor cleaning tools

You can also search in the cleaning tools section for more products via the link: General cleaning tools

معلومات تواصل

16 شارع خيري كوبري القبة / القاهرة

13 شارع محمد بدر / كوبري القبة / القاهرة

  • 01066544982
  • 01066670737
  • info@engequip-eg.com

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