وصف المنتج

Bashkir Holder The A.913C Bashkir Holder is one of the latest innovative designs in the world of home storage solutions. This rack is distinguished by its modern and functional design that perfectly meets the needs of organizing and arranging the kitchen.

features Bashkir Holder


  1. Stylish and durable design: The A.913C bathrobe holder is made of high-quality materials that give it durability and strength. It comes with an elegant design that matches any kitchen decor.
  2. Ease of installation and use:The holder features a simple design that is easy to install and use. No special tools or technical skills needed, Which makes it suitable for all family members.
  3. Adjustability: The design of the stand allows you to easily adjust it to fit different sizes and sizes of bathrobe. This contributes to making the most of the available space.
  4. Space saving: This bathrobe holder helps organize the kitchen and save space on shelves and in drawers.
  5. Multiple use:It can be used to organize a variety of things, Including Bashkir, plastic bags, And other household items.

How to use:

  • Mount the bathrobe holder to the wall or inside drawers using the included screws.
  • Easily place the bathrobe in the holder and adjust it according to your needs.

Enjoy better organizing your kitchen with the A.913C Bathroom Holder – the modern razor for tidy and convenient storage!


A.913.%D8%AC%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%84 %D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%84 %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%B4%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%B1 - الشركة الهندسية - تجهيزات الفنادق - تجهيزات الشركات - معدات نظافة

معلومات تواصل

16 شارع خيري كوبري القبة / القاهرة

13 شارع محمد بدر / كوبري القبة / القاهرة

  • 01066544982
  • 01066670737
  • info@engequip-eg.com

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